Sunday, January 16, 2011

Journal #1 My Connection

  I am a Florida resident and have been my whole life. I grew up in an agricultural family who grew everything they ate and still do. My great-grandfather, "Pa," taught me everything he knew about farming the land and making the most of what nature has given us. From canning tomatoes in the kitchen to picking greens in the field, my connection to the Florida enviroment is one based on making good use of "God's green Earth."
We came to depend on Florida's enviroment as it held the power to stop us from having a plentiful garden or make it flourish. Pa always told me, "it's teamwork making this garden grow, Mother Nature and us." We would always take advantage of having beautiful seasons by canning whatever vegetables we possibly could. Tomatoes have always been a family favorate. My Pa passed away five years ago and we are still enjoying vegetables he canned himself. Hopefully, I will retain this knowledge and be able to pass it down to my children.
   Unfortunately, I believe my connection today with my enviroment isn't as strong as it should be. This is probably the case in most kids of my generation due to the explosion of technology keeping them indoors. However caught up in being inside I might get, I do allow myself time to get fresh air everyday by coaching softball at a local high-school. Growing up my family made sure that all of us kids were involved in an outdoor activity. Some of us play sports, others go hunting and some have continued on the agricultural track. I attend practice everyday from 2:00-4:30. I truely believe getting in this time helps me cope with stress. Being outdoors, even if you're not studying the enviroment, is healthy.
   I do believe I lack knowledge about my enviroment, however, I am active outdoors allowing myself to be exposed to my enviroment. My connection with the enviroment is one filled with my family and agriculture. What I have been taught by my great-grandparents will forever be retained and very much appreciated.


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